This is jubilee X National Championship for Dogo Argentino , organised by S.A.D.A.K. 2009. This years event is located in Sombor, town near Hungarian and Croatian border. Since we are the hosts of thisyears event, dogs in our ownership want participate in dog show.
Judge is Patricio Gaston Ghigliani ( ARG) , and Delegat KSS Milovan Mrdak.
1°dogo: 40€, next/siguente: 30€, 3-6m /6-9m /veteran: 20€, dinner (optional): 20€ per person – drinks included, no limits. Paid in advance, proof of payment to be sent with the Online Entry Form.
Dinner/ Restoran Gentlemans :
– Note: all fees can be added up and made by ONE payment order.
Entry Form S.A.D.A.K.2016
Accommodation: The show is right next to the hotel . Dogs are allowed.
You are all wellcome!!!