SADAK- results

IntCh MultiCh GrCh Tallulah Magnifico Blanco

( Wakatanka Nanuk x Oprah Magnifico Blanco )

SADAK 2022, Kragujevac, 177 dogos registered,

Champions Class: Excellent 3/17 !

Our girl strikes again at the biggest dogo argentino show in the world finishing 3rd out of 17 females in a very disputed and competitive Champions Class

Judge: Raul “Pajaro” Stinco ( Arg ), dogo argentino breeder and specialist judge

We’re super happy and proud of this result, especially I was not planning on showing her as she’s at about 70% form after having her litter. It confirms again the quality and how typical she is, having achieved amazing results under a few Argentinian judges.

Owner, hendler: Florin Pintea, Romania, Del Muzungu kennel