News about cropped ears/docked tail dogs

Further to its online meeting on November 24, 2021 and our previous communication in this regard dated 07/03/2016 the FCI General Committee informs the breeders, dog owners, judges and show organizers that, effective from 1st January 2025, the dogs with cropped ears/docked tail, belonging to breeds for which no reference is made to the cropped ears/docked tail in the FCI breed standards, will not be allowed anymore to be shown in any conformation event where the FCI breed standards are used

It was also made clear that it is up to the events’ organisers to find a solution so that they are informed beforehand about the anatomy of the dogs to be shown (for example via the entry form).

Please find BELOW the list of the breeds concerned.

NumberBreed name
144Deutscher Boxer
184Deutscher Pinscher
197Mastino Napoletano
235Deutsche Dogge
343Cane Corso Italiano