Soon comes warmer weather, and therefore the sudden appearance of ticks and fleas! Protect your dog on time!
Parasite in dog fur
Coexistence of man and dog in urban areas is very close.
Dog is part of the family, and therefore shares the living space. It moves everywhere, goes to the kitchen, lying on the carpet, chair …. Because of all this man has to protect their own health personal hygiene, and specific attention must be paid to the hygiene of the dog.
Let’s start from bathing the dog. Cosmetic industry has invented specialized shampoo for dog skin. So, each dog washing soaps and shampoos for human use is harmful and potentially dangerous to his health. Still, do not push with bathing the dog too much. Frequent washing makes the sebaceous glands to produce rapid fat (and make up for lost, washed) and this can lead to hypertrophy of sebaceous glands, sebum overproduction and thus potentially to seborrhea. Brush your dog daily with a brush or a rubber glove and you’ll by brushing it remove dust from the fur, dead hair and also massage your pet.
Parasites in dog FUR Dog fur is a habitat of many creatures. All these beings are called ectoparasites. Ectoparasites live on the dog, feed and reproduce on it and their actions harm the dog.
Flea: the first and most common parasite of dog fur. Every dog reacts differently to the number of fleas in its fur. Hypersensitivity of dog skin to fleas has to do with anal gland. This means if the dog suffers from chronic inflammation of the gland, that his skin is very sensitive to all external and internal stimulants, including the fleas. In these dogs can develop an allergic hypersensitivity to fleas.
Dog flea feeds on dried excrement remains mostly the hair near the dried feces. In occasionally eggs and dog tapeworms, and fleas and eat them. The dog tapeworm spends one phase of its development in the flea. As annoying dog fleas, and nibbles on the fur being killed, sometimes crushed occasional flea, which ends up on his tongue. And so, through fleas, tapeworms again get (regular cleaning of dog intestinal parasites).
Flea feeds on fallen scales and skin and skin fat. But when the temperature exceeds 10 C, flea breeding season starts, and hungry fleas! And often starts to suck lymph dogs. This behavior dogs feel strongly and some dogs which are hypersensitive to the injection site may occur allergic reactions. The intensity of the reaction depends on the above-mentioned anal glands. Flea feeds on the dog, but carries her eggs to another place. The cracks kennel, the gap in home flooring, carpet in bedrooms. … After 2-3 weeks, flea grows and returns to the dog. Therefore, when treating a dog treat and dog environment. Dog fleas cannot live on man!
How will you protect the dog from fleas? Now the market there are a number of means: sprays, powders, solutions, baths, a necklace ….. Frontline, Fyprist, Bravecto…You choose what best suits your dog. I do not know if you know that the nature (of course) created a plant to ward off fleas. This plant is called ‘Buvač’. Of course, the Japanese have managed this plant pre-synthesized. The industrial product is called pyrethrins. He is now best known tool in the fight against fleas. It does not kill it now, but after a few hours.
Malofag: small animals who live on a fur coats and feeds nibbling. The dog attacked by this parasite has a messy hair, as if it has been bitten in moths! The dog suffered severe itching is restless, nervous and rubs on hard objects. If you pick up the hair a bit, you’ll see white flakes on the hair roots. If you look a little longer and with the help of a magnifying glass, you’ll see how they move. Therapy for the dig is to wash the dog or sprinkle insecticide pyrethrin derivative. Of course, with the recommendation of a veterinarian.
Itch mite: It lives on the skin and it digs tunnels. In the tunnels female lays eggs, and young itch mites stay in these tunnels to find food and safety. The dog then develops severe skin inflammation accompanied by extreme itching. Diagnosis is established by laboratory analysis of the skin shavings. Treatment is a bath in itch mite anti-parasitic baths, but skin changes must be treated as well
There is a so-called ear itch. This parasite digs deep in the mucosa of the earpiece, introducing bacteria and fungi and thus produce inflammation of the external auditory canal. It can be dangerous if they break the eardrum and there’s a possibility of an ear infection in ear’s more sensitive parts .. If you notice that the dog feels good to rely on your hands when you scratch it, and the ear canal is dirty then there’s an alarm. Healthy ear is clean, sick one is dirty. If the ear has dark brown fat in it, usually it is a parasitic invasion .. It does not help anything, but to visit the vet, who will look into the ear channel with a special instrument and determine the right treatment.
Demodex: is a special type of an itch mite that lives in dog’s sebaceous glands. The dog holds its defensive mechanism numerically controlled, until it something like a low immunity, stress happens, or in the breeding stage of degeneration, the stage of puberty, when defense mechanisms are not functional, there may be dodging and excessive propagation of Demodex.
Depending on the number of Demodex in the skin, the clinical picture can be mild or catastrophic. Veterinary laboratory diagnosis has to be made, and the treatment may be very long. But can be solve! There are therapies with ivermectin, and also som veterinarians had great results just useing Bravecto for demodex !
Ticks: parasites of one phase of life on a dog. It’s a time when female bears young, and their mother has to produce a food surplus by sucking blood of a dog.
Ticks normally live in the bushes and grass, and begin breeding t when the temperature rises above 10 C. If the dog pushes his head into the bushes or the grass, hungry females will immediately attack him. During the period of 6-8 hours they will seek a suitable place to attach, and then they need another 4 hours to creep under the skin before they start to suck blood.
So, when you return from a walk, be sure to check the dog. In Dogo Argentina is a bit easier, since the mite can be relatively easy to spot. If you try to pluck the tick by force, they are likely to burst, and his head will remain under the skin. It will be necessary to rub iodine tincture to the place. Severed head itself will come off as a crust for a few days. There are various ways of removing ticks. It can be sprayed with an oil and wait until Iy falls off, or you just spray it with anti-thick spray and it will then be removed. There are special pliers for pulling ticks, etc.
We take most of our dogs to the vet immediately to remove a tick by an expert, as an increasing number of infected ticks, cause if you improperly remove a tick, toxin might be released if the tick is infected, and a dog could be diagnosed with piroplasmosis (disease of red blood cells).
Piroplasmosis in a dog with anemia can be easily recognized, high temperature, lack of appetite and strength and the urine becomes reddish. It is extremely important that as soon as you think it could be piroplasmosis, go to the vet immediately. Do not wait 2-3 days, it may be too late and your dog might die.