AMDA trofeo mundial – Serbia

Today is last day for entering the show !!!

The price for the 1st dog is 45e, 2nd is 35e and young 3-6m, 6-9m and veterans 25e..

The dinner is 20e, drinks included, paid in advance, the proof of payment sent together with the entry form.

Dogs will not be listed in the catalogue if the proof of payment for the show is not sent with the entry form by 30.04.2014.

Online Entry Form

IBAN : RS35 2203 7305 0000 0090 36

S.A.D.A.K 2009 , Svetoilijska 7, 16000 Leskovac , Serbia

SWIFT : PRCBRSBG ( correspondent bank : COBADEFF )

Booking of rooms

The place of event is Hotel Pasina Cesma, Leskovac
The show starts at 9:30am, Judging Starts at 10:00am and the Presentation La Rosa De Inca will be in 2:00pm at which time no dogs are allowed around the ring in which the presentation will be held.

Dinner is served at 8:00pm

Luigi Corna will judge all the Juniors, Fernando Centurion all the Females and Nelson Balmaseda all the males, BOB all three together. All three rings will be at the same time.